Leichtfüßig Website


In this workshop, participants spent three days writing in a “lightweight” style — writing consisting of words and code. The workshop, led by Laurel Schwulst, took place from December 4-6, 2023 in Hamburg, Germany at the HFBK, where it was quite snowy, which somehow suited the simple and quiet mood ...

We brought fruit to share at the beginning, which warmed things up ...

On the first day, we shared our ideas and concepts. On the second day, we worked together but separately. And on the third day, we presented our websites through first a reading (audio only) and afterwards, sharing the websites themselves in the library ...

Jisu reading Essay Mode

After the readings, we set up our computers ambiently in the library. It was nice to experience them after the readings, full circle style...

It was nice to see everyone's websites... still collecting documentation...

Polina's Internet Poem, receipt version
Polina reading Lucy's Dot Poem
Morgan Mansour's poem site
Collecting files via USB at end of workshop


Polina Lobanova
Write a poem about the internet woven from the titles of Are.na channels
Akseli Manner
Share ways of traveling by land between Hamburg and Helsinki
Veronica Obenauer
Create a website as a ritual guide to calmly prepare yourself and your device to shut down for the day, recharching for the night
Helen Ebert
Describe patterns in clothing within artworks
Kim Kleinert
Write a website that undergoes different states of matter
Stephan Thiel
Write about your fear of using the command line by using it
Liudmila Savelyeva
Create a poem generator that includes the words from a collaborative poem
Leoni Voltz
Look outside your window
Sophia Krasomil
Create a simple poem generator about fruit Create an essay mode for your website Investigate the favicon as a decorative object Describe a fruit in as many ways as possible in Toki pona Create a conversation about favorite fruit Present an old poem in a new way by "slicing the strawberry" Make an extension to a pomodoro timer Share how it feels sharing your browser history

This website shares the prompt and some outcomes for a three day workshop at HFBK in Hamburg, Germany, from December 4-6, 2023.

Thanks to Christoph Knoth, Marlen Kaufmann, Morgan Mansour, Min Guhong, and Dan Brewster for helping it come to be.

And special thanks to all the participants: Kim Kleinert, Polina Lobanova, Stephan Thiel, Tigran Saakyan, Veronica Obenauer, Helen Ebert, Oliver Matzner, Akseli Manner, Karen Czock, Maja Redlin, Leoni Voltz, Liudmila Savelyeva, Sophia Krasomil, Fernanda Braun Santos, Simon Hundsbichler, Jisu Lee, and Morgan Mansour.
