Websitesite is a site made to archive websites Jisu made since Jisu first learned to write code. It's important for Jisu to make a website a place to revisit. For that aspect, each website either needs to be utilitarian or frequently updated or just aesthetically appreciatable. While coding for the first time, Jisu had a hard time putting things in the center of the screen. So she made a code sample with her name in the middle, Its purpose is to make any content in the center at anytime Jisu needs to. You see Jisu's full name in Korean on the site but you can replace Jisu's name with any content you want centered. Whenever Jisu is writing and needs special characters, Jisu types ‘sp’ on google and google autocompletes it as ‘Special characters’. On the top of the results, there is a purple link that Jisu had been revisiting over and over for years. One day, Jisu wanted to have a personalized clipboard to copy special characters from. Jisu also collects verbs and invites people to read them. It is to motivate people to write a list of what they want to do in their lives. Jisu thinks every verb is doable, and the doableness is the intrinsic attribute of verbs. One thing in Jisu wants to achieve in herlife is to finish reading In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust. It is a novel in seven volumes. Jisu keeps attempting to read but fails in the middle of the first volume. So Jisu made a reading tracker to keep herself up and records the time while reading. Jisu feels more comfortable with writing than speaking. Jisu makes a web banner template to say the words like ‘Thank you’, ‘Sorry’, ‘Welcome’, ‘Good bye’, ‘Happy new year’, ‘Happy anniversary’, ‘Happy birthday’ to her closed ones. The hardest part in writing probably is to come up with the first sentence. Jisu archives the first sentences of the books Jisu read, while hoping the index to help Jisu shorten the time to start writing. Like refering to the first sentences of others, Jisu also archives references and categorizes into three formats: image, text, and link. This filters are built to make it easier for Jisu to look up her previous resources Jisu had been referring to. Besides the websites as a tool of Jisu's creative practices, there are some websites that Jisu made for her romantic relationship. Like the one Jisu made for her lover to celebrate his 34th birthday that they got to spend in Hamburg, Germany on December 5th of 2023. Personal computer is the most private object to Jisu. And Jisu finds it romantic to share one computer between two people. Jisu divided a browser in half to make Websitesite navigatable by two people at once. Imagine two people facing each other, holding one touch pad computer. As people go through Jisu's websites, people tend to ask similar questions. To Jisu, people have been asking ‘What made you learn to code?’. So Jisu made an answering machine to save herself from answering this repetitive question. |